Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Here are some of my photos

Please just view my photos, they are mine, I worked hard at them and I would appreciate if you left them here. If you really must have one please ask my permission, thank you for your respect in advance, have a great day!  There are more and I will add some from time to time, I really hope that you like them.
These pics are in now way a product of my school work they are from my computer, my little photo booth thingy but i thought you may want to know what a geek i am and what i looked like so here i am i will post some good photos on here later and then you can see my school work is worthwhile and they do know what is up at NYIP,

Today Was The Worst Day! (But it turned out to be okay)

 So, I had a particularly terrible day today! Oh my gosh! I am totally NOT kidding, I mean it SUCKED, so bad! It was one those: What can go wrong, WILL go wrong days, a black cloud, walking under ladders, black cat crosses your path kinda days....I think you know the kind I am talking about, don't you? When it's all boiled down and you get right to it, it's one of the days, you know you should have just stayed in bed, closed your eyes, rolled over and gotten a lot more sleep! A lot more sleep, that and you should definitely have stayed the hell away from those people you don't even like but that you more or less HAD to go to see, but totally didn't want to because you knew exactly how they were going to be and they WERE and it sucked and it got to you more today than usual because.....well, hmmmm.....maybe you aren't sure why it got to you more than usual but there you were...all "gotten to" and now you are feeling insecure, inept, worried, not able to come up with one creative composition of the photo project you have due for school....wait a minute! YOU probably aren't in that position now are you? That'd be ME! Yep, it's where I am at, I realize that it isn't correct grammar to say "where I am at" but I using "poetic license" here because it just sounds like the mood I am in and it sounds right right there so it's there and I am leaving it there but now you know I know that it isn't correct...and I don't know why that was suddenly important to me but it was so there, hmmmmm.....I think maybe those people got to me a little more than I thought they had. The really great thing about all that is that I didn't react the way they had expected and that's great. What isn't so great is that they aren't really the type of people that necessarily "get it" when you are not reacting on purpose, you know so that they can't get the satisfaction of your doing so....they happen to be the type of cats that will just think that you an idiot for not quite being quick enough to catch on to the fact  that they are blatantly and intentionally being shitty and saying things to you to make you feel bad or lose your step, or whatever the intention is from those kinds of people who do those kinds of things, I really hate that they don't know that I was not reacting on purpose and I especially hate that, although, they don't know it, they really did get to me! I wish I could be one of those people that shit just "rolls right off of" do you know the type? Things just don't affect them in the least, they let nothing get them down, they just muddle through, come rain, come sleet, come dark of night, wait, that's the postman, but you know what and who I mean, they are just always steady on their feet, not a hair out of place, they NEVER,EVER have their high heel get caught on the part of the dress that it finds to step on that makes you fall down going UP the stairs on "homecoming night" with the "cutest boy you ever met" and they never seem to get traffic tickets and their never broke, out of gas, the battery on their cell phone is ALWAYS charged and there are just so many things that never happen to them that I could keep going on about but I think you are getting as sick of it as I am, I mean "jeesh" it's bad enough in real life, but now we have to live it over again in this weird post this lady is writing? But anyway, I wish I could be like THOSE kind of people, cause it seems like EVERYTHING gets to me, and really affects me and then my attitude sucks and that sucks, but I am getting better....a lot better and that part brings me to this part and this part is a really great part cause check it out!

 I am having a better day now because I have taken time to write a little and to realize that I can't let the ridiculous things getting to me today take over what is left of it and I also just realized I am a pretty awesome person because I am funny, well a little funny, (looking HA!) not really, well to some people maybe, I don't really know, I don't think so but anyway I also had this other really cool thought awhile ago when I was trying to come up with good things to think about myself and to get the bad feelings the mean people I was around earlier today got me feeling as well as trying to forget the jerk that said he was going to get me something to eat two hours ago when he split but isn't back yet....I think he isn't getting me anything to eat and I am so hungry this sucks! Okay anyway and I realized that I am student of photography! Yes, by the way, I am. I am studying at the NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY and it's a wonderful school. I am taking the biggie class the professional photographer's course, it's difficult, a lot harder than I imagined it was going to be with a whole more to photographing people places and things than just picking something and snapping, but it's cool as ....well, it's cool! I am totally digging it and I am trying to do the best I can. I am sorta stuck on my current photo project I have due and it's really got me a little behind where I would prefer to be in my studies, but as I said, I am doing the best I possibly can, most of the time anyway, shit, it's been like a million years since I have been in school, so it's a bit of a struggle getting myself to be completely studious and all organized and everything but for the most part, I'd say I am coming along groovy..anyway, I had the really, really cool thought that I am part of something so incredible by being a photographer, I get to help create, capture and assist my friends, family, as well as complete and total strangers (at first anyway) and preserve memories that they will hold dear forever, they will be able to look upon the work I do for years and years to come and never forget the wonderful, important, meaningful, sometimes, fleeting moments if you are lucky to capture a fleeting moment that is, it doesn't always happen but it does sometimes and it's so beautiful when it does! Sometimes, it's just a look, sometimes it's a glance between two people and snap! I got it....sometimes it's something silly but it's sooo awesome when you know you got that perfect moment and they know it too, or they don't but then you show them the shots you took and they see that you did, wow! That's even cooler, let me tell you! 

SO, all the crappy stuff that happened and the people that went out of there way to make me feel shitty today and partially succeeded got run over with my realization that I am totally lucky to be able to be part of such a truly lovely profession and to be learning so much at a really great school. I am grateful for today, I may not have realized all this and I wouldn't feel as great as I do right now, aside from being hungry and a little annoyed at a person who would say they are getting me something to eat and then just.....not, wow. That sucks! Oh well, I will live right through it. 

So anyway,

We can't let things that people say or think about us determine our day or the way WE feel about ourselves, we know who we are, and we are all some pretty great people, when it comes right down to it, as long as we don't go out of our way to make people feel badly or do badly or look bad either! We should really try to help each other any chance we can with whatever we may be able to help someone out with, whether it just be a quick smile when passing someone in the grocery aisle, I swear, a smile can make ALL the difference. 
SO let's laugh and smile and try to feel really good, the best we can, because this is it people, this is it.There are no second chances....we may as well get through this thing called life with a light heart and peace our hearts, right? I mean that's what I am gona try do anyway, you can do what you want! 

Have a really great afternoon or evening or whatever it is now.
I'll see ya.

Carly LaDiDa

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Hi there everyone,
I haven't much time and so just a quick request of you.....please just click the Social Vibe widget to the right to be help to someone desperately in need of it, it only takes a moment.